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Items that state
"On The Shelf Today"
do not need to be shipped from the warehouse and are available for immediate shipment or local pickup.
All other items will need to be shipped from the warehouse to the local store which typically takes 3-5 business days.

We use FedEx, UPS, and USPS depending on the item and pricing but the website only has UPS listed. Firearms/NFA items will be shipped to the local FFL you choose and put in the required field. All other items will ONLY be shipped to the billing address for the credit card used at the time of checkout. You MUST add INSURANCE to all orders.

Non Local Firearms/NFA Item Sales
All firearms and NFA item purchases for out of state customers will be shipped to the local FFL that you put in the required field at the time of purchase. Buyers are required to send a snapshot of the VALID government ID that you will be using at your local shop for the background check to be included in with the shipment.

Local customers will need contact us either through the website or by phone to learn about the cash discount available only to local customers.

CONTACT US for any questions you need answered.

Southern Arms will NEVER try to sell you items via social media. Our OFFICIAL social media accounts are listed below. If you are contacted via any other account, it is a SCAMMER. Report the scammer to the appropriate social media administration to have them banned.

Call 985-674-7654

      Contact us   985-674-7654     985-626-7615 fax     Email for fastest service    
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